Yarn Management System
Across both Pinterest and Reddit, I’ve seen various solutions for keeping yarn organized when completing projects in C2C, intarsia, and other patterns with many color changes. They range from expensive bags and bins with openings for yarn to feed through, to DIY versions using rubbermaids or wooden dowels. I was hesitant to try any of these solutions, because I felt like they can be more limiting in term of number of yarn skeins, and it’s not uncommon for me to need 10+ colors attached at a time. I also was not sure of the potential tension issues, as the yarn would be trapped and unraveling straight up. So I had an idea and took a chance on it, and have been so happy with the result.
My yarn management system simply consists of an adjustable garment rack and open-ended pants hangers. It may be a little bulky, but it easily rolls back into the corner when not needed. I personally haven’t found it any more inconvenient than larger rubbermaids would be. I’m sure there are many brands that would work just the same, but below are the ones I have been using and happy with. For the garment rack, it is critical to find one with adjustable height so that your yarn can be lowered to a convenient height for sitting and crocheting.
I have already used this yarn management system on two very different projects, and could not be more pleased with it. The yarn unravels easily, keeping me from spending extra time yanking on the end while I’m trying to crochet. Additionally, when I have to flip the project over, the hangers are easily moved to the reverse order to keep all of the ends from getting tangled. I can crochet multi-colored graph projects so much more quickly now, due to not spending time untangling yarn. That reason alone is enough for me to never want to make a graph project without it, no matter the size or number of yarn skeins involved.
You’re a genius! That looks like something that I could use to help with my back problems!! How brilliant!!