About Me

I used to think that having no hobbies other than reading and writing was lame, and have since expanded the list to include sewing, crocheting, and general crafting. I also spend a lot of time on home renovation projects.
I currently live in Florida, and love being near so much water, but hate the beach. I claim no hometown, but have lived in New York, North Carolina, Virginia, and was most recently in Istanbul, Turkey. Because of this, I feel connected to so many different areas and people, but it comes at the price of missing those people and places no matter where you are.
In May 2012, I graduated from the University of Florida and married my high school sweetheart, Zach, in back-to-back weekends. Since then, my life has calmed down little, and I have been figuring out how to put my talents and skills to good use. My desire is to use those talents and skills in love and service of God and others.